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A multi- media artist combining writing, drawing painting, ceramics, music and dance, to create an interactive art installation that embodies freedom and allows for the expression of the soul through the truth of ones story. 

Katey Branch

Life Artist  |  Author


"There is a deep well of communion with spirit that is allowed access through art. I am humbled by the experience of being an artist. The internal callings and challenges to listen and open to what wants to be birthed through me, continues to excite and awe me. I use a wide variety of mediums to celebrate the deep, creative life force within."

                                                                                                       -Katey Branch


The theme that is seen consistently through Katey's multi-media works & creations is the receptive, nurturing, sensual and intuitive energies that we all have access to. Her path has taken her into the healing arts as a massage therapist and yoga teacher at Halls Pond Healing Arts, where she helps guide people back into their bodies for healing. As such, her art and creations stem from the same energy and belief, that when we are connected to our Nature, we begin to heal ourselves and others. 


"In the Arms of the Mothers, Grieving the Pain of the World with Love"

is an interactive art installation to inspire love in action. An opportunity for people to contemplate what is going on in the world and what arises in them through interactive offerings of meditation, creative expression, ecstatic dance, community singing, and artist presentation. Ten foot tall 'Mothers' painted on muslin with poetry between and pottery pots beneath which these big women are rising out of. Like genies come to grant wishes inspiring hope, peace and presence. Pottery sculptures of winged figures guard the doors and pottery eggs embossed with pregnant women are nested in the center of the space inviting the pregnant possibility of the rebirth of love infused thoughts, words, actions and politics. (more below)

"Waking up to Wonder:

Re-enchanting the World"

A Memoir by Katey Branch

Stay Tuned for Release Date

Waking Up to Wonder is a memoir, that uses prose, art and poetry to bring readers into a more visceral experience of my journey of pushing back against a conservative upbringing to intentionally live outside the cultural norm. Raised in a southern fundamentalist home, I discovered my true spirituality and relationship to the divine when I broke free from the church and stepped fully into nature. Watching whales breach in the ocean and hearing messages from the streams I found connection to divinity. Waking Up to Wonder shares some intimately defining moments along my path in hopes of inspiring others to share their stories too.

 In the Arms of the Mothers,
Grieving the Pain of the World with Love.
May 24 through June 1, 2025
at the Ballroom, Harrison Maine


An interactive healing arts installation of the divine mother in many of her earthly forms to honor the bodies we have all been brought to life through and how we can continue to honor life on Earth. The installation will be set up for a month with organized public engagement experiences with the intention to take it on the road. In these times of patriarchal resurgence it is critical to lean into, uplift, and solidify the importance of feminine values that men, women and others need to express. Caring for and nurturing the health and well-being of family, community and the Earth with love. Tending to the body, emotions and relationships with each other and the planet to survive and thrive. Reclaiming spiritual embodiment in all, waking up to the mystery and power of love as a radical act that opens the way for more possibilities than we can imagine. 


The installation will provide a place for people to feel the sorrows of the world, grieve in the arms of the (ten foot tall)Mothers and release the fears that may hold them back from authentically expressing themselves. Along with viewing the installation there will be multiple ways the public can engage with this event over the month. The intention of this interactive installation is to give space to contemplate what is happening in the world in a refuge of support through the form of the art installation, and the opportunities provided for audience members to express their grief, fear, longings, hopes through meditating, writing, drawing, movement, and song in community. 


The visual imagery sets a tone for entering into sacred space, the poetry invites a dropping into ideas, music transports the participant into songs about life, and the multiple avenues for participation including meditation cushions with questions to contemplate, a table with writing, art supplies, paper and feminine imagery coloring books inviting creative expression. During each of these participatory experiences the audience will be invited to share their feelings, visions, and how they bring love into action in their lives, family, community, world.


                                                                                    Events in the space


Saturday May 24, 4-5pm A performance with music, poetry, and prose readings by Katey Branch, a multimedia healing artist of 40 years.


Sunday May 25, 3-5pm A community sing where simple, powerful songs of resistance and community building will be facilitated by Jayne Logan. Singing has been used for healing for centuries. Communal singing offers the experience of being in harmony with breath and presence with others sharing songs invoking inspiration. Jayne has led community singing circles for 10 years. She finds joy in welcoming all voices to the circle by teaching songs in call-and-response style.


Saturday May 31, 10am An ecstatic dance that the public can participate in will expose people to the healing power of moving the body in a 5 rhythm wave led by Kari Luehmans. Rooted in ancient traditions, communal dance invites individuals to connect to their bodies and music to move freely in a transformative experience. Kari is grateful to practice and teach this profound form of movement medicine since completing her training with Gabrielle Roth in 2005. She teaches primarily in Maine and has taught at Dance New England, OMEGA, Maui and Earthdance.

available for booking in the US. 

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